James Hawksley performs “Killed: July 17, 1916”, devised and originally performed by The Belgrade Theatre in Education Company, Coventry. Directed by Roger Maunder and photographed by David Howells. This video is dedicated to Corporal Geoff Peddigrew; March 30, 1972 – November 14, 2019. Geoff was a former member of the 56th Field Squadron in St John’s NL whose service with this Canadian Military Engineer unit included deployment to Europe, including a United Nations tour with the UN Protection Force (Yugoslavia) (UNPROFOR). In his second career, Geoff served with the RCMP from 1997 to 2016 in B Division [Newfoundland and Labrador] as well as in A Division in Ottawa ON. Son, brother, uncle, nephew, cousin, and hero. If you or somebody you love are struggling with your mental health, please know that there are resources available to help. If you are concerned about your or another’s immediate safety, please call 911. Mental Health Crisis Line: 1-888-737-4668 or 709-737-4668; Mental Health and Addictions Liner: 1-877-999-7589 or 709-752-3916; Wounded Warriors Canada: https://woundedwarriors.ca/ VAC Assistance Service: 1-800-268-7708 CHANNAL Peer Support Warm Line: 1-855-753-2560 or 709-753-2560; Bridge the Gap: https://nl.bridgethegapp.ca/?utm_sour… While there’s no charge to watch these videos, we do appreciate any donations to help support our organization and the work we do. Learn more about how to support OOTA by visiting https://www.canadahelps.org/en/charit… ❤️